11:00~ 【開会式】
開会挨拶:最上 拓児(第46回日本低温医学会総会会長)
Chair:Masaya Miyazaki
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Gunma University Hospital
O-1 Abdominal wall pseudohernia after the percutaneous cryoablation for the renal cell carcinoma.
Takahiro Higuchi
The Jikei University school of Medicine, Kashiwa Hospital
O-2 Safety and efficacy of percutaneous cryoablation for elderly patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Terutaka Yoshihara
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Gunma University Hospital
O-3 Complications of percutaneous cryoablation for lung cancer: experiences of 300 patients.
Wei Qian
Department of Oncology, Fuda Cancer Hospital, Jinan University
O-4 Cryo-experiment using a new guiding needle device called SunZ needle.
Shinji Yamazoe
Department of Radiology, Tokyo Dental College Ichikawa General Hospital
12:00~13:00 【ランチョンセミナー】
座長:最上 拓児(東京歯科大学市川総合病院放射線科)
鈴木 徹 東京海洋大学 先端科学技術センター
サラダサイエンス(ケンコーマヨネーズ)寄附講座 特任教授
13:10~14:10 【特別講演】
座長:髙野 正行(東京歯科大学口腔顎顔面外科)
「Cryosurgery of oral and maxillofacial region.」
小川 文也 大阪歯科大学口腔外科学第2講座
14:15~15:00 【招待講演:Whole body cryotherapy】
Chair:Alexander Baranov
Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies
L-1 Simple cryodestruction of some various skin and epithelium tumors using the microwave radiation and in combination with immunomodulatory therapy.
Korsun Viсtor V
Russian Medical Centre «Alexandria 24»
L-2 Prospects for the development of WBC technology.
Alexander Baranov
Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies
L-3 Introduction of WBC equipment
Aleksandr Solovev
Saraya Co., Ltd, Product Development Department
15:05~16:35 【シンポジウム:Cryotherapy in sports】
Chair:Michiko Dohi
Japan Institute of Sports Sciences
S-1 What is different in Tank and Chamber-type of cryotherapy machine?
Michiko Dohi
Japan Institute of Sports Sciences
S-2 Effects of evening cryostimulation on core temperature and sleep after eastward transition: A case study
Masako Hoshikawa
Japan Institute of Sports Sciences
S-3 Practice of whole-body cryotherapy in soccer professional team
Yoshie Seki
Urawa red diamonds. Department of Joint Surgery and Sports Medicine,
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
16:40~17:20 【一般演題 2】
Chair:Hitoshi Nukada
Toho University School of Medicine, Department of Exploratory Medicine on Nature, Life and Man
O-5 Experimental whole-body cryotherapy: the mechanism of exercise-induced delayed onset muscle soreness
Ryotaro Hotta
Toho University School of Medicine, Department of Exploratory Medicine on Nature, Life and Man
O-6 A study on fertility preservation of transgender using Japan's first Egg Bank
Noriko Kagawa
Princess Bank
O-7 Revitalization of recycled frozen autologous bone graft by using adipose-derived stem cells
Yu Aoki
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University
O-8 Experimental considerations of liver low density by autopsy CT imaging of avalanche accident death
Takako Shirakawa
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate School of Human health Science
17:30~19:30 【懇親会】
無 料
10th Educational Lecture of Cryosurgery organized the Japan Society for Low Temperature Medicine 2019
Chair: Masashi Watanabe
The Board of Governors of JSLTM
EL-1 Cryosurgery: History& Present situation
Masashi Watanabe
Chairman, the Board of Governors of JSLTM
EL-2 Introduction to freezing with cryoneedles
Junnosuke Okajima
Tohoku University
EL-3 Cryoimmunology
Yasuyuki Sugiyama
Gifu Municipal Hospital
EL-4 Complications and accidents of the Cryosurgery
Masashi Watanabe
Toho University., Medical center Omori Hospital
EL-5 Specification of CryoHit
Hisaki Ueda
Hitachi, Ltd., Healthcare business Unit
EL-6 Cryoablation for renal cell carcinoma
Takashi Yamanaka
Mie University. Hospital.
EL-7 Cryoablation for breast cancer
Sasithorn Sujarittanakarn
Kameda Medical Center
EL-8 MR-guided percutaneous cryoablation
Tadashi Shimizu
KKR Sapporo Medical Center,Tonan Hospital.
EL-9 Percutaneous cryoablation for bone tumor
Masaya Miyazaki
Gunma University
13:10~13:40【Cryoablation in China】
Chair:Tadashi Shimizu
KKR Sapporo Medical Center,Tonan Hosp.
O-9 Cryosurgery and radioactive iodine seeds implantation for the treatment of aggressive thymoma
Feng Mu
Fuda Cancer Hospital,Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University
O-10 Cryoablation for lung cancer with triple-freeze protocols
Lizhi Niu
Fuda Cancer Hospital, Jinan University
O-11 Cryoablation in future: A Cryoimmunology and a possible supplementary effect of hydrogen gas
Xu Kecheng
Fuda Cancer Hospital, Jinan University
13:45~ 【閉会式】
閉会挨拶:最上 拓児(第46回日本低温医学会総会会長)